Timeless (20/?) by Elisa P. Black An inhuman cry shattered everything. On instinct, Mulder leapt out of bed with his gun drawn. {Did that come from Scully's room...?} "Scully!" He called out her name even as he threw himself against the connecting door separating their two rooms. The door gave in a little, but did not open. He rammed it again. It crashed open, spilling him dazed into the room. Immediately, he noticed movement to the right. It was the figure of a darkly-clothed man, already in mid-dive -- head-first -- out the window. {What the hell?? This room is on the tenth floor...} Sensing yet another presence nearby, Mulder spun rapidly, his gun held out before him. He found himself staring into the impassive, angular face of a large man. No, not a man... the Bounty Hunter! He suddenly noticed the puncture wounds on its neck, the green ooze bubbling out... {Oh, sh**.} He jumped back quickly to avoid the effects of the toxic 'blood.' Calmly turning to approach the window, the hunter ignored him. With all the ease of a man hopping into a convertible, it tossed itself out. Mulder fought down the urge to give chase, instead starting to search for Scully. From behind the bed, two small feet stuck out haphazardly. He moved around the room to reach her. "Scully?" She had crumpled to the floor, unconscious or... He didn't even want to think it. Her skin looked terrifyingly pale, almost a shocking white. Worst of all, two puncture wounds on her neck spilled profuse amounts of blood onto the floor... "Oh, Scully," he choked. Kneeling beside her, he felt for a pulse, and thankfully, found one. After a quick search, he found the room's phone and called for an ambulance. Then he settled down to hold her cold, unresponsive hand. "Come on, Scully. Stay with me. I- I need you..." {Damn vampires}, he thought. {Why her? Why Scully??} "There's no way you're getting away with this, you bastards!" yelled Mulder into the indifferent night. The phone rang. Natalie ignored it, instead pulling the pillow around her ears. It continued to blare insistently. Sighing, she reached out to pick it up, and in the same motion, caught a glimpse of the clock. {4:30 AM. Perfect.} "Hello?" "Dr. Lambert?" It was Mulder, sounding tired and angry. She got the distinct impression that everything was going to hell. "Agent Mulder? What's wrong?" He let out a sigh. "It's Scully. She was attacked... by a vampire. She's in the hospital now." It was worse than she'd imagined. Now that Scully was hurt, Mulder would wage an all-out effort to track down the vampires. He would find the truth... and destroy Nick. "How is she?" Nat asked fearfully. "She's in critical condition. She's lost a lot of blood." Damn, who could have done it? Who would be so stupid... or conniving. LaCroix? "I'll be right there." She hung up. Now she'd have to call Nick and tell him, something she really wasn't looking forward to doing. Before she could lose her nerve, she picked up the phone again and hit the speed dial. Nick answered after the first ring. "Hello?" "It's me, Nat." "Is something wrong?" She smiled briefly at the instant worry in his voice; at least he cared. But she frowned again as she spoke. "I'm fine, but my friend Dana is in the hospital. She was... attacked." There was total silence on the other end. Nat swallowed hard and continued. "You know what this means. Mulder is very upset, to say the least. We have to be very careful--" "Nat," he interrupted, "how is she doing? Maybe I could convince her to... And Mulder, maybe, if he believes..." "No, Nick, Shane already tried to hypnotize her before, remember? And Mulder, he wouldn't let you get near him. He already suspects." She took a deep breath, trying to build up the courage to make a certain suggestion. Nick wouldn't like it at all, but it seemed to her the best option. "Maybe... maybe we should talk to them, convince them to help us, at least convince them not to persecute us for what we can't help. Maybe we can convince Mulder not to destroy everything if we just tell them--" "No!" Nick interrupted. "We can't tell them anything. They must not find anything or else we will be destroyed." "Nick, that's what Mulder may do if he doesn't understand, doesn't know that there is some good--" "There is no good here, Nat! There's nothing to be saved. Mulder has every right to destroy us." Nat felt her heart drop at the tone of despair in his voice. "That's not true, Nick. There is something to be salvaged; that's what I'm working for, with you. We can talk to Mulder, make him understand--" "Absolutely not!" Nick's voice then softened. "I'll see you at the hospital, Nat." The phone click and he was gone. {Cold, so cold.} He curled himself tighter and tried to shiver. However, his body refused to move much, and he only managed one twitch. After he'd dived out of the hotel window, it had been a long, treacherous flight. Every second, his body had threatened to freeze up and plummet to the ground. Only by an incredible act of will did he make it back to his temporary home before collapsing. What was happening? What was that being that had killed so many of his children and stopped him? He'd taken in only a tiny amount of the green fluid, yet it was affecting him so horribly. It seemed to act on the blood in his veins, the sweet blood he'd taken from the red-haired beauty. Slowly, the blood froze within him, growing ever colder... Time slipped away. Never before had he realized with such acuteness how meaningless its passage was, how forbiddingly endless. A lifetime, a million lifetimes, one and the same. A hurt, a million hurts. One child, and one million children ever after... A timeless cycle. He *would* rise again. End of Part 20