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Last Knight Scenes - Various scenes from around the events of the last episode of Forever Knight. Includes a LaCroix monologue, and Nick's absolution... (10 K)
Don't Turn Around - Nick has to leave because of LaCroix. This vignette covers Nick's and Nat's feelings on the matter. This was inspired by the song "Don't Turn Around" by Ace of Base from their album The Sign. (5 K)
Lighthouse - A dreamy, philosophical vignette of Nick in a dim lighthouse. Nat comes across the stormy seas to him... (3 K)
Pagan Justice - Especially nice for those who don't like LaCroix (I actually do like him 'cause he's fun), this piece tells of his ultimate torture. Crosses, fires, accusations, and loss of control... (2 K)
Forever Knight: The 2nd Season Musical - How a musical about the second season of the show should be ;-). Unfortunately, there's no audio. (8 K)
The Child Knows... - Remember those imaginary friends from your childhood? Well, our favorite characters do too. (18 K)
Ironic - Written for the FK Song Challenge (basing a story on a song), this one was written to "Ironic" by Alanis Morisette. Good for Nick and Nat Packers. (18 K)
Amish Paradise - Yet another story for the FK Song Challenge, this one is based on "Amish Paradise" by "Weird" Al Yancovic from his album Bad Hair Day. See Nick's life among the Amish! (8 K)
An Unofficial Ace of Base Tour Thru the 2nd Season World of FK: - Ace of Base is a musical group, and I once had the crazy idea of writing 2nd season FK stories that somehow incorporated all of the songs on one of their CD' s, The Sign. I didn't only did four of the songs ("Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry", "All That She Wants", "My Deja Vu", "Wave Wet Sand" , and then ended it. (8 K)
LaCroix' Funhouse - Just a stupid, funny story for Halloween. LaCroix invites the Schankes' and guests to the first annual CERK funhouse. (11 K)
Forever Knight Crossovers are also available.